Rapidgo Driving Blog

How to Launch a Delivery App with Rapidgo Driver
How to Launch a Delivery App with Rapidgo Driver The delivery industry is one of the few sectors that thrived during the COVID-19 pandemic and it shows no signs of slowing

Uber in NZ Court
Uber operates a ‘brilliant and thorough’ system for controlling its drivers, the NZ Employment Court has learned. Uber continues to flex its muscle globally to create a new class of workers

Guide to Uber Independence
Independent Delivery Driver Marketing Independent Delivery Drivers Value Flexibility, Freedom, & Control Delivery drivers are in high demand. They have the advantage of transferring their experience and earning power easily to

Why Tipping is a Bad Idea
Gig Economy Won’t Look After Its Workers The Gig Economy is a Form of Employment and Service Discrimination More and more people are turning to freelance gigs as a way to

10 Things Side Gigs Don’t Offer
With the rise of the Uber third-party model, side gigs have become a leading source of part-time earnings for millions of delivery drivers worldwide. As well, it has created an economic

Goal Setting for Delivery Drivers – The Complete Guide to 2022
Goal Setting for Delivery Drivers – the complete guide to 2022 asks, do you think your life could be better than it is? Ask yourself, am I maximizing my potential, my

Driving blogs might be tough to locate across the web. We hope that this driving blog helps you become a more efficient driver. Whether you drive for Uber, Lyft, Amazon, or another company, Rapidgo is committed to informing and equipping you. We hope these blogs about driving do just that! Our team at Rapidgo works extremely hard to research and supply blog posts that will help you become better at driving. Let us know what you think in the comments of each blog post!